2016 was the third consecutive year of world breaking rising global temperatures. The rise in ocean surface temperatures correlate to the rising global temperatures as stated by the National Centers for Environmental Information and escalating ocean temperatures are also the main culprit of melting glaciers and rising sea levels. Many scientists agree that CO2 emissions are to blame for these events.

Researchers have been reaffirming the rise in global temperatures time and time again. Many of us are quite aware of the issue of global warming and the effects it’s having on us. Having studies after studies of the same results can seem very redundant. However, there is importance to this redundancy.

Graphic issued by the NOAA

Global warming is a very real and very significant problem. There has been both an above-average occurrence of hurricanes in the Atlantic and North Pacific areas. People, especially those who live on the coast, can be devastated by these storms. Southern Africa had serious droughts with 2 poor rainy seasons in a row. Disastrous wildfires have occurred including “the costliest natural disaster in Canada’s history” as said on an image distributed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). When an issue causes terrible events like these, it’s imperative for humans to act.  This is what drives scientists to continue pushing out research about global warming.

Currently, environmental issues are not a focus of the Trump administration. Although clearing the White House’s website is routine with administration change, it’s worth noting, Motherboard says. Throughout President Trump’s campaign, it’s no surprise. It certainly is a cause for concern, though. This is reasoning enough for environmentalists to do everything they can to inform the public and hope for the people’s action.

Having so many sources shouting about the data supporting the existence of global warming is a cry for help. It could be said that global warming is the Earth’s way of crying for help, too! It is not one that we should ignore. If we want humanity to thrive we need to do what we can to live greener lives and take care of the planet.

Doing it on our own is not enough, though. The U.S. government has an enormous influence on what trends and issues will be focused on. For example, it could call for funding to a department like NOAA and open employment opportunities for citizens to take on. There would also be more awareness because of advocacy programs that can exist under government funding. Political action would benefit this situation greatly, but unfortunately as of right now it doesn’t seem it will be implemented anytime soon.

For now, it is wise for us to do what we can to preserve our home. We can do this through both individual and community action. Instead of driving, you could walk or ride a bicycle. Garden with natural fertilizers and plant trees to liven up your yard and improve oxygen levels at the same time. You can also garden with your community to build bonds and strengthen the Earth! Limiting foods that produce tons of CO2 emissions like beef is also an option. There are many other things you can do to help save the planet, so don’t be afraid to research and make lifestyle changes for the good of the Earth!

Cover Image:

Marshall, Austin. 321086-R1-20. 2003. Flickr. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. Photo licensed under CC-BY

References and sources:

Waldron, Patricia. “Earth Breaks Heat Record…Again.” Today’s Science. Infobase Learning, Feb. 2017. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. <http://tsof.infobaselearning.com.eznvcc.vccs.edu:2048/recordurl.aspx?wid=98275&ID=37222&gt;.

Gillis, Justin. “Earth Sets a Temperature Record for the Third Straight Year.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Jan. 2017. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.

Koebler, Jason. “All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website.” Motherboard. Motherboard., 20 Jan. 2017. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.

Lugo, Sanchez. “Global Analysis – Annual 2016.” National Centers for Environmental Information. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.